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Sky White is an exceptionally talented Mozambican music producer, DJ, and remixer celebrated for his entrancing Music. With roots tracing back to his childhood, Sky's musical journey began at the age of 10, when he discovered his fervent passion for music, particularly through the piano.Inspired by the transformative performance of Black Coffee at the Ballantine's Human Orchestra, Sky embarked on his DJ career at 16 years old, showcasing an innate talent for crafting immersive sonic experiences.Through unwavering dedication, Sky swiftly mastered the art of DJing, captivating audiences at popular musical festivals with his discerning track selections and seamless mixing prowess. His meteoric rise garnered the attention of many prestigous record labels, which propelled a number of his original tracks to resounding success and widespread acclaim.Endorsed by luminaries such as Black Coffee and Tale Of Us, Sky White's distinctive sound resonates with infectious rhythms and evocative melodies, marking him as a trailblazer in the industry. From renowned venues to global festivals, his electrifying performances continue to captivate audiences worldwide, transcending boundaries and igniting passion for the rhythm of House Music.

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